Dear White Supremacy, or rather, Folx who struggle with white supremacy with me, Whew! This was a tall cup of tea. I hope it's not so bitter as to keep you from drinking it with me. This week, we're looking at metabolizing pain caused by WS. - Tara **************** This week's list of offerings: 1. Stark Absence of Information 2. I am more Valuable to Me than I am to You 3. Wordless Pain 4. Positive Pencil Marks 5. Hurdles of Self Loathing 6. I Am My Body 7. It Is Love 8. Be in Relationship With Me 9. Never Taught to Give an Apology 10. A Better World for Me ************** STARK ABSENCE OF INFORMATION My own self-knowledgement has still only been acquired in the places/relationships where white supremacy did not hold sway. The only relationships in which I could personally develop were the relationships where I could learn about myself in ways were contradictory to white suprema...