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Showing posts from June, 2020

We're all hypocrites, move along....

WE’RE ALL HYPOCRITES, MOVE ALONG June 8 th , 2020 ----------------------  I love Hypocrites. Dear White Theatre, I love hypocrites.   And you do too. I am a hypocrite. I am a freedom-fighter who wants to cultivate the “gap” between my thighs.   I’m the brown artist who leads introductions by mentioning my very privileged very expensive education.   I’m brown, but damn if I don’t keep realizing that I am completely white too!   Sadly, In my life, I have found that I will never be white enough, though, and I really, really tried.   I bet you did too, theatre companies.   So let’s talk about that.   ---------------------------------------   Beautifully chosen racial armor I know this is hard to talk about, white theatre companies.   And I really do feel for you.   It’s not your fault that you didn’t realize that including Black, Indiginous and People of Color voices in your COMPANY AND OR BOARD was actually a significant point of contention, or that it would poin

Clown Theory

Clown Theory:  An Introduction to this Blog Series Hi!  Thanks for joining me for this post, the first one in my new blog series, "Tara in Whiter-land".    I was inspired by countless years of failure to write this heart-wrenchingly true series of blog posts about how I completely and utterly suck.   Essentially, as a brown, fat, queer woman, I have found that I have never been white enough. Not that I haven't tried! There's always someone whiter than me, damnit, and they show me up, again and again, reinforcing better than I ever could the standards by which folks should laugh, cry, and organize together. As a treat for you, and because I frankly have trouble sleeping at night as a result of these failures, I am going to write about them. As a kind of penance. Nameless (for your safety), context-less (for mine), and completely satirical. Welcome to Tara in Whiter-land, The real life, out-of-context adventures of a brown girl who can't get her head out of the twat