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Showing posts from September, 2020

CONFESSIONS OF A FORMER WHITE PERSON, Part 2. Lessons In Naming: Rejection and Boundaries are Integral

Dear WS, Here are REAL lessons from a lifetime of experience with White Supremacy.   I have been writing fervently about my life as a brown girl raised by a white family in a white-centered culture and professional environment. I am naming all the ways that White Supremacy (sometimes referred to in my writing as WS, and sometimes addressed in place of the audience who is also steeped in white supremacy, so why not?) has taught me to be in the world, the ways that I have realized were never for my benefit, but for it's own.  Through a cunning use of lesson reversal, I am naming not only the ill that we need to defeat, but also the practices and mindfulness that must be cultivated to defeat WS in your anti-racist life. Though I am not addressing White Theatre directly here, know that each and every lesson has proven itself to me time and again in our American theatre industry.  Take note. These lessons, dear reader, are my gift to you. Love, Tara ***** Lessons in Naming: 1.  Please b

CONFESSIONS OF A FORMER WHITE PERSON, Part 2. Lessons in Naming: Please Be That Fucking Gorgeous Trash

CONFESSIONS OF A FORMER WHITE PERSON, Part 2:  Lessons in Naming A Note About Naming:   Names are important.  By finding names for things that were previously invisible to me, I'm learning to excavate my own values and create boundaries that keep me feeling calm. By pushing back, I am resistant to being run over by fearful, controlling, often very dangerous systems that have a hold in this world and won't seem to let go. Below is the list of life lessons I was taught by White Supremacy.  I have reverse engineered them, as a start, to fit my anti-racist life:    Lessons in Naming: 1.  Please be that Fucking Gorgeous Trash 2.   Rejection and Boundaries are Integral/  Try Saying No 3.  Know Your Worth 4.  Keep Fucking Going 5.  Assume You're Stupendous 6.  Question Everyone/  The Most Dangerous Type/  No Thanks from my Lips 7.  Colonialism in a Nutshell/   Oppressive Systems are Interrelated:  A Fill in the blank Absence of Truth Narrative about invisible control 8.  Question